In a previous post (Who Ya Calling Primitive?, November 6, 2013), I explained my utter rejection of the notion that European cultures of the 17th & 18th centuries were “more advanced” than the corresponding Native American cultures. When I talk about The Spirit Keeper at bookstores & libraries, this question of cultural evolution generates much lively discussion.
In my opinion, modern Americans have a hard time seeing Native cultures as anything other than “primitive” for two reasons:
1. They’re unconsciously comparing Native cultures of the 17th & 18th centuries to European cultures of the 21st century; and
2. Racial prejudices of 17th & 18th century Europe continue to influence our thinking today.
Most people quickly abandon reason #1 once they consider the true nature of European cultures circa 1700. Back then the people of Europe rarely bothered to bathe or wash clothes, diseases were rampant, food was scarce, disgusting, & lacking in nutrition, & the entrenched class system led to all sorts of social strife, abuse, & atrocities. European nations lived in a perpetual state of horrific war. More than half of all women could expect to die of childbirth-related problems & only 2 of every 5 children could hope to reach their 10th birthday.
I find that when people have a better understanding of what life was like for our European ancestors, they begin to have more respect for our Native ancestors. Even all the dazzling European technologies of yesteryear (metallurgy, glass, textiles, gunpowder, etc.) don’t seem so “advanced” when you realize they led to the complete toxification of European waterways–so much so that Europeans of 1700 considered water unhealthful & gave even their babies beer to drink (because the alcohol counteracted the teeming bacteria). Say what you will about the “primitive” nature of Native cultures–at least they didn’t dirty their drinking water with industrial wastes & their own disease-filled excrement.
Now that we’re comparing apples to apples, I’m ready to tackle the second reason most people still assume Native cultures were more primitive than their European counterparts: ancestral racism. But because racism is such a sensitive subject, I think I’d better wait & give it an entire post of its own. Also, I have to figure out how to tackle the sensitive subject of racism in 350 words or less.
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